The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving Noble Trade Edition

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The Noble Trade Edition Hardcover of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow!

This title is the long awaited for book #6 in the KWP Definitive Classics Series! Featuring full color wrap-around jacket art by Alex McVey.


  • Awesome Color Cover Illustration by Alex McVey
  • Also includes the short story collection by Washington Irving, Tales of a Traveler
  • Hardcover
  • 400 pages

#6 In the King's Way Press Definitive Classics Series!

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Ichabod Crane is a newly arrived schoolteacher in a small Dutch community on the Hudson River. Ichabod is prone to superstitious belief, and Sleepy Hollow is chock full of legends and superstitions.

The primary boogeyman of the quaint village is The Headless Horseman. Said to be a Hessian soldier. beheaded by a cannonball, the ghost roams the village and the surrounding woods at night, seeking his lost head.

Ichabod absorbs the local legends, believing fully in them.

Having caught the attention of, and become infatuated with, a local beauty, Ichabod Crane soon encounters not only a jealous fellow suitor, but the legendary Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow himself.

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