
Children of The Night by Paul Melniczek unsigned Marquis Trade Paperback Edition

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The unsigned Marquis Trade Paperback Edition of Paul Melniczek's Children of The Night, a Halloween Novella


  • Cover and interior art by Caroline O'Neal
  • Perfect bound
  • Third in a four part Halloween novella series!

Children of The Night

Another year has gone by and Rusty has moved past the events of last Halloween, trying to live the normal life of a young boy growing up in a small town.

October has arrived once more, bringing in the sights and sounds of the fall season, along with dredging up the memories of old man Berger and his servants. But soon his apprehension mounts, as a series of weird events take place, making him wonder if his old adversary is once again up to his old tricks.

A cloak of mystery begins to materialize, and it's up to Rusty and his friends to discover the source of danger facing them and their town before things get too far out of hand. CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT is the third installment of a Halloween series which started with MISCHIEF NIGHT and continued with THE WITCHING HOUR, the books a modern take of a traditional tale told around the campfire; some spooky, great fun for a Halloween treat!

Book #3 In the King's Way Press Halloween Novella Series!


Product Note Status Price
Mischief Night by Paul Melniczek Signed Marquis Trade Paperback Edition Mischief Night by Paul Melniczek Signed Marquis Trade Paperback Edition
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The Witching Hour by Paul Melniczek Signed Marquis Trade Paperback Edition The Witching Hour by Paul Melniczek Signed Marquis Trade Paperback Edition
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* Prices plus sales tax, plus delivery
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